Saturday, January 3, 2009

coconut water only

I just failed on my Coconut water diet. On the 3rd afternoon two ladies brought me the ripest, yummiest looking bananas to my beach house. I bought them to add to my fruit that I donate to others around the village. Then 30minutes later the voice came into my head, You dont need to do this coconut water diet, eat some bananas, they are so ripe and smell sooo amazing. Then I accidentally dropped one and it split open a little, so that was a 'sign' for me, ehehhehhe...I ate two big ones and waited two hours than ate two more big ones, then waited one hour then at 2 more big ones, then one hour later 2 more bigones, then went to bed slightly full....and felt amazing and wonderful.
Next time, I will have to make a more strong decision to complete a certain many days 'No Matter What', that is key to success for back to my frutarian lifestyle (not a diet, I like this name better) which is extremly healthy I believe of all nutritious, ripe, raw, fresh, organic fruits (includes fruits like tomatos, cucumbers, bell peppers when I find them).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been wanting to do a coconut h2o fast, myself. I drink around 3 or 4 cocos daily and find them extremely satisfying. I'd like to hear more about your experience if you try it again!