Sunday, June 28, 2009

bicycle crash

I met this nice Malaysian guy, Rosli, cycling last Sunday. We rode through a never ending field of 'Mangrove' trees that protect the villages from storms from the sea. Very beautiful ride.
After a nice durian feed, I headed back down towards Teluk Bahang. I looked down at my durian to see why it was rubbing on the wheel. When I looked up I was one second away from hitting an oncoming car on the side. I flew through the air like superman. 6days later my wrists are slightly sprained, my ribs are very sore, and my scrapes are healing, My mindset is positive grateful and fortunate, my life has changed to be a bicycle-free type of guy for a while or forever. I am enjoying the simplicity of walking around Ghandi-style now.
I am so fortunate I have a caregiving friend here to be with me and help me physically and mentally. Stefani from Italy is here ( a medical Doctor too!!) and we are having great time together finding yummy fruits and sharing excellent fruit filled life conversations.

be cautious 100percent of the time on bicycles
what we think about comes about
When a human body on a bike hits a steal car at 20mph, the car doesn't move.
good friends are to be cherrished


Alexandra said...

I am glad you are safe and healing!

mroslij said...

how bad your bicycle? cannot ride anymore? plan to buy another bicycle or not?


Ravi said...

glad you are safe...take care.

Amber said...

Hi Darrick! Wow -- getting caught up on your blogspot. Lots of experiences and the most recent bicycle accident -- glad you are ok! About the durian, I have heard lots about it from co-workers that have gone to Singapore. I've only tried the 'dried durian' -- what someone brought back. I guess it is an acquired taste?! Good luck to you in your travels...~Amber (Leever) Marcus from WAHS'88

Vagabonding RawVEGAN said...

Nice to hear from you Amber!
I hope to meet up with you some day.

Anonymous said...

best wishes of healings DARRICK,
just catching up on your BLOG NOW!!
Hope your well and safeeeeeeee!
i like the Ghandi-Anectode!