Sunday, June 15, 2008

Harley's introduction.(Australian friend I have here in Thailand)...

Harley wrote this on his blog...very enteresting....He is a phenomenal athlete, I see how he performs here in Thailand when we go riding with all the Thai cyclists in the country side....he beats everyone, and he eats only fruit for fuel....

I am an ultra endurance cyclist. 100% raw vegan for almost 3 years. i run marathons, win 24 hr xc races and live a car free lifestyle. i use my fitness to minimise my eco footprint.

my life purpose is to show people that all we need is found in raw plant foods. no superfoods, no pills, enzyme ryhmes or blood type hype! no powder to make ya flounder! just hard food, in hard amounts, with hard training and hard sleep for hardcore raw to da core results!

i went from chronic fatigue to riding my bike up to 515km solo in a day...

i highly recomend reading 80/10/10 by the dougster.
there is only one way to thrive longterm as a raw vegan. its by following the plan set out by mother nature.

so what are my tips to anyone wanting superior health and athletic performance?

1. simplify your lifestyle. ditch working the job you hate to buy things you dont need...

2. get in touch with ripe fruit looks and tastes like. become a TRUE gourmet food lover. one whom chooses food for its simplicity, nutrition, taste and zero food prep.

3. read 80/10/10 by Doug Graham, over and over again. saturation of the best will help you past lifes tests!

4. accept yourself for who you are. be proud to be a raw vegan. be proud to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem...

5. believe, know and then act on the above information...these are the 3 steps to success. ie knowledge without action will leave you a fool! knowledge WITH action will keep ya cool!

6. EAT ENOUGH CALORIES FROM SWEET FRUIT! this is the only way to keep and build your true health potential. we all know the healthier someone is the better looking they become for whom they are. ie a plant is only as good as the seed it started be grateful for what you have and aim to enjoy it and or build upon what you already have.

7. UNDERSTAND HOW MANY CALORIES YOU NEED! undereating on fresh fruit will have you slam'n down almond butter, rancid cashews, refined fats like oils etc, cooked food, refined sugar like honey, agave, yacon syrup etc, starches and eventually animal products if your vegan conviction is weak. its just the body going back to what it knows. our body has had a long time eating that slop and if you undereat fruit, your going back to that eventually. just look around at what foods people fall off the wagon for... and 99% of the time its COOKED CARBS! why? COS EVERY CELL IN THE HUMAN BODY IS FUELED BY GLUCOSE AND OR FRUCTOSE! so the body will demand carbs from anywhere, if you aint providing them in sufficient amounts from eat enough fruit to keep raw life sweet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cute